Reno's Master Plan is a multi million piece of aspirational jargon garbage which should be an embarrassment to all who have to abide by it's nothingness guidelines. Jonathan Shipman nailed it on the head - projects cannot be denied because they so not meet aspirational goals that the Council has not codified in RMC Section 18. The Master Plan wants "sustainability" and a projects that do not seem to be "sustainable" must be approved because RMC18 is the enforcement agent of the Master Plan and has no "Sustainability" passages.
Planning Council seems to be going on their own agenda for change. I generally support that, but wish that was at Council direction. Council has absolutely abdicated their role in implementing the aspersions of the Master Plan into Zoning Code.
Reno's Master Plan is a multi million piece of aspirational jargon garbage which should be an embarrassment to all who have to abide by it's nothingness guidelines. Jonathan Shipman nailed it on the head - projects cannot be denied because they so not meet aspirational goals that the Council has not codified in RMC Section 18. The Master Plan wants "sustainability" and a projects that do not seem to be "sustainable" must be approved because RMC18 is the enforcement agent of the Master Plan and has no "Sustainability" passages.
Planning Council seems to be going on their own agenda for change. I generally support that, but wish that was at Council direction. Council has absolutely abdicated their role in implementing the aspersions of the Master Plan into Zoning Code.