Thank you for this perspective, Alicia. The first time I ever set foot in Reno (2012) I thought, WOW this river front is SO under-utilized for how beautiful the setting is, complete with mountain views in the distance. Perhaps the city should trade the City Plaza for the site next to the Hub ;-) This is the place where something of scale should be built.
They are building something of scale there and I find it devastating. May I ask an honest question as to why you think it’s a good idea to have a massive building in that particular location? I appreciate hearing the perspective of those in favor of the project going up, as I’ve spent painful moments with neighbors who are opposed and I always like to learn more. Thanks, Derek
Alicia, you are right on. We are blessed with on of the most beautiful rivers in the country. Our town can be so much more. The bones are here but if we keep tearing them down without vision we are lost. This dialogue needs to continue.
One project that I thought of after walking around the river involves turning Island Ave between Arlington and Sierra into pedestrian only. It could function as a continuation of the pedestrian block currently between Sierra and Virginia Streets. That section of street receives a lot of direct sunlight late in the day, whereas the pedestrian corridor on the other side of the river loses that sunlight by early afternoon. It might not be feasible considering the street exits for the garages of the courthouse and apartment building, and with the new Kimpton about to go up. But man that would be sweet if the whole block was like its counterpart to the east which houses the wild river and the eddy.
Thank you for this perspective, Alicia. The first time I ever set foot in Reno (2012) I thought, WOW this river front is SO under-utilized for how beautiful the setting is, complete with mountain views in the distance. Perhaps the city should trade the City Plaza for the site next to the Hub ;-) This is the place where something of scale should be built.
They are building something of scale there and I find it devastating. May I ask an honest question as to why you think it’s a good idea to have a massive building in that particular location? I appreciate hearing the perspective of those in favor of the project going up, as I’ve spent painful moments with neighbors who are opposed and I always like to learn more. Thanks, Derek
Alicia, you are right on. We are blessed with on of the most beautiful rivers in the country. Our town can be so much more. The bones are here but if we keep tearing them down without vision we are lost. This dialogue needs to continue.
One project that I thought of after walking around the river involves turning Island Ave between Arlington and Sierra into pedestrian only. It could function as a continuation of the pedestrian block currently between Sierra and Virginia Streets. That section of street receives a lot of direct sunlight late in the day, whereas the pedestrian corridor on the other side of the river loses that sunlight by early afternoon. It might not be feasible considering the street exits for the garages of the courthouse and apartment building, and with the new Kimpton about to go up. But man that would be sweet if the whole block was like its counterpart to the east which houses the wild river and the eddy.